Truth be told: no one really likes paying dues. However, the BBW Chamber dues are a bit more unique than some others you’re used to paying. By paying your dues, you are receiving the excellent benefits of the chamber, an incredible value, and you know you are supporting our community.
The Cost
For those of you involved in other chambers around the area, you’ll notice that our dues may be significantly lower than your other affiliations. This is not a slight against these others groups, but rather a testament to the BBW Chamber’s commitment to serving its local businesses. For 2020, Annual Chamber Membership Dues are only $100… and it is only $90 if you pay by December 20th.
There are many membership benefits, too:
· Reduced member prices for monthly meetings
· Reduced member prices for special events
· Directory Listing
· Printed Directory ($5 – only available to members)
· Monthly Newsletters
· Volunteer Opportunities
The Good Your Money Does
There are some things that our organization requires to run smoothly like support from our wonderful secretary, Mary, paying our standard bills, and incurring other general business expenses. However, keep in mind that the majority of the income for our organization goes right back into the community. We give out educational grants, support charitable groups, and try to help in various community efforts.
Pay on Time
One of the most helpful things you can do as a member is to pay your dues on time. Ensuring that you are in good standing and that you submit accurate information for the directory is essential for us to help serve our members. If you haven’t done so yet, pay your membership dues… and feel good about doing it knowing all of the ways you’re helping our community!